Easy Health Strategies: Feeling Better From Head To Toe
Easy Health Strategies: Feeling Better From Head To Toe (by Jennifer McGregor) Healthy living is something more and more people are thinking about these days. From figuring out how best to take care of your mental health to making sure your body is in great shape, there are plenty of things […]

Jake Haigh 20th October
Jake Haigh all ready for battle this coming Saturday Saturday 20th Oct – Kings Hall – Stoke

WAR FIGHT Managment
We are Proud to be working with War Fight Mangment and Fight UK MMA We will providing full dietary support to the Team at War creating some of the best MMA fighters in the UK

Congratulations to Craig White
Congratultaions to Craig ‘Thundercat’ White and the team at Lions Den Fighters on his emphatic win over Matt Inman on Carge Warriors 87

Welcome Gary Cornish
We are Proud to welcome Gary The Highlander Cornish to Team Blueberry We are tailoring Garys Nutrition for his British Heavyweight Title fight

Welcome Jamie Bates
We are proud to welcome Jamie Bates to Team Blueberry Jamie Is a very talented Kickboxer currently signed to Glory . We are proud to be tailoring Jamies Nutrition for his future fights Welcome aboard Jamie

Scott Malone – TEAM Alpha Male
We are proud to be tailoring the Nutrition for Scott BOOM BOOM Malone as he is away in the states training at Team Alpha Male

UFC Glasgow
We are very proud to be tailoring the nutrition for Paul ‘BearJew’ Craig as he makes his preperations for UFC Glasgow 16th July We will be keeping track of Paul and just how his diet is going

Fats – Friend or Foe?
Introduction to FATS – friend or foe? Carbohydrates & proteins often take a lead role when talking about our diets, as they are needed to fuel the body and for growth & repair. Fats however, due to their name, are often believed to be the cause of us to put on weight or ‘get fat.’ […]

UFC 209
4 weeks until Paul ‘Bearjew ‘ Craig and Mark’ ‘Hand Of ‘ Godbeer make there way to UFC 209 – We are extremely proud to be tailoring the nutrition for both Athletes as they look for th Win